Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday Swim

So yesterday (Sunday) was a very fun day. We all woke up, and got ready for church, then during church Thomas was in a relaxed coma/half-asleep, which is nice, especially when you hear other babies crying and screaming.
After church we had our usual breakfast with Gramma Katie, and Uncle Mundo, and then we had a break. Don worked on homework for a couple hours and Jenn and Thomas went and did some shopping with Gramma.
Then we all scratched our heads and said, "Now what should we do?" And wouldn't you know it, Tía Liea called and said, "Come over to our house and we can go swimming and play games!"

So here are some pictures and a video from yesterday's swimming episode, which was nice because we had hot sunny weather and the pool was so nice and cool!


  1. Coolest 5-month kid old I know.

  2. I couldn't tell if he enjoyed it or if he was just confused by what was going on.

    ps I noticed in a few pics he looked like he was biting his lower lip, I wonder where he got that from.

  3. AWW.. cant wait to teach him how to swim!! that is if im allowed :) SOOO CUTE
