Sunday, June 21, 2009

Daddy Day 2009

Well this past Sunday was Father's Day, and as I had told many of my family members, it was the best Father's Day I've ever had! Several weeks ago I started joking with Jenn and family about what I wanted to do for my Fathers Day. I told them that I wanted to spend the whole day eating candy (preferably gummy bears), and play lots of video game (until my eyes hurt), and then get sick from all the candy and video games (in the scenario, Jenn would stroke my hair as I held my head in a toilet).

Turns out my Fathers Day plan fizzled (which is actually really good), for obvious reason. Sunday we woke up and went to church and breakfast (Leia, Uncle and the Peralta's joined us), then came home for some presents. The presents were pretty good, I received several cards, and Jenn and Thomas got me some new flip-flops and tickets for a Lego exhibit down at the science center (pretty cool). But the surprising-ist present of all was a quick visit by our good friend Ernesto. Ernesto is Laura's boyfriend, but to me, he's much more, because he walks in and is like, "Hi Don, here are some video games!" Yeah, just like that, he hands me two video games (which he got for free), and so I was like "WOW!" So that's been cool, because now Jenn and I have been playing them the last couple days.

As Ernesto was getting ready to leave, we got another visitor, it was Kelsey, she came over because we asked if she would babysit (no Father's Day is complete with some time away from your child... right?) So Jenn and I went out to a movie and Kelsey hung out with Thomas, and all people involved had a great time.

After the movie (The Proposal), Jenn, Thomas, Leia, Steve and myself went out for dinner. I am a big fan of buffets, and I typically don't go out to buffets, but because it was Father's Day, Jenn was like, alright, lets go. We experienced CiCi's Pizza buffet, and let me tell you, that place is dinner and a show for $3.99 Not only are most of the people eating there too large to fit through a standard door way, but they're so hungry for pizza. And there were a lot of kinds of pizza, and bread sticks and pasta... you know I'm realizing a little that it's like the olive garden but without the wine, and waiter and class.

These are pictures from Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday we got a visit from Rosie and the Stewarts (Chase, Stephanie and Hayden), and so we just had to take a bunch of pictures and video of Thomas and Hayden (remember only two days apart).

Hope you enjoyed the videos and pictures, and we will all just have to hold our breath and see if next years Father's Day could possibly be better than this one was!


  1. Thomas and Hayden are too cute! I'm sure Hayden will get Thomas back for kicking him in the head someday. Glad you had a great Father's day! PS Next time let's hit up the Peter Piper buffet. At least I can make my own salad.

  2. glad you had a nice Father's Day Don filled with your every wish! Thomas and Hayden are sooo cute together. it seems to me that the parents had as much fun as the babies did. Love all the pictures and the videos.

  3. Yeah E-nest, way to one-up me on the Father's Day presents. And I support going to Peter Piper becuase they at least serve beer there.

  4. Thanks for the shout-out Don. Have fun with the games, but please invite Melynda to play. Apparently I need to be an equal-opportunity free Wii game giver awayer in the future.
