Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Always on the Move

Here are some pictures of Thomas in some super cute racing pajamas that his Great-Grandparents (Don & Dorothy) bought him. Thomas was so excited and so full of energy that he was crawling all over the house, and wanting to walk with Mommy- it was great fun.

A little while later Thomas was hungry for some milk and every good racer knows that you have to refuel. After the milk and bottle Thomas had a little crash, and here are pictures from the crash.

Hope these photos put a smile on your face and we'll keep sharing all of our good times- as long as you keep reading and smiling!


  1. 5 more days and counting.... I love these pictures (I love them all don't I?) and can't wait to squeeze those cute cheeks of Thomas.

  2. Classic race car crashing. No if only he had a car...
    Love the PJ's Great Grandma & Granpa Ash!

  3. what did you guys put in that bottle?

  4. He looks so tall and lean in those PJ's - like a little man!
