Saturday, November 28, 2009

1st Thanksgiving Feast

This past Thursday marked Thomas' first Thanksgiving. Although we ate turkey and stuffing a week earlier with Grampa and Teta, this was the official Thanksgiving. Thomas seemed happy the whole day and enjoyed meeting a lot of California family members.

You might think that Jenn and I travel everywhere with a camera all the time- you would be wrong. Sadly we forgot our camera at Thanksgiving so there are no pictures of Thomas eating turkey at this time. However there were several family members with cameras and I am currently begging them to forward me some pictures so I can share them with all our blog readers.

Here are those pictures of Thanksgiving that I promised, hopefully I can get a few more, but until then, enjoy!
Thanksgiving 2009

Please enjoy this video of Thomas and Mommy reading. I was in the other room while they read and I heard a lot of laughter which made me grab the video camera and capture some memories. You will see that once Thomas sees the camera he becomes disinterested in the book and more interested in crawling away or looking at the camera? It's still a cute video and you get a chance to see how much fun Thomas and Mommy have together.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Maryland Trip

As most readers remember Mommy has been over on the Eat coast and so this past Wednesday Thomas and Daddy boarded a plane and flew out to see her (as well as Grampa and Teta). Check out the photo album from our Maryland trip as well as some of the fun videos while we were over in the East.

These are the pictures from the trip. Also HERE are more pictures from Auntie Laura's camera.

This video is Thomas and Teta playing with a new toy.

This second video is Thomas and Teta again, but this time Thomas is cracking up!

The entire trip was very relaxing and everyone had a terrific time. Thomas was crawling and playing all over Grampa and Teta's house, and Auntie Laura flew down for a couple days to play with us as well. Saturday night we had an early Thanksgiving (sorry no pictures), and got to see a lot of friends. Thomas is already screaming about going back in a month for Christmas, so maybe next time he'll be walking all over Grampa and Teta's house?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Home Alone

Saturday morning was pretty sad because Thomas and I had to say good bye to Mommy who flew away to Philadelphia for a work trip. Don't be too sad because Thomas and I will fly out to see her on Wednesday, and since Washington DC is so close to Philly, we'll see Teta and Grampa next weekend as well!
Here are some pictures from our "Boys Weekend". Saturday afternoon we watched Uncle Steve play some ice hockey while playing with Tia Leia, Gabriel and Kiera.

Thomas enjoyed the racing game at the video arcade. Leia thinks he'll love video games as much as his Daddy (we shall see).

If one driver is good, then two drivers must be great. The kids really loved that steering wheel!

Thomas and Daddy watching some of the hockey game- this was toward the end of the game.

After the game we went across the street to Chipotle and we all ate some tasty-tasty food, yum!

Hey, it was a crazy boys weekend, so this is how we show our craziness- taking our own pictures (WOAH)!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Always on the Move

Here are some pictures of Thomas in some super cute racing pajamas that his Great-Grandparents (Don & Dorothy) bought him. Thomas was so excited and so full of energy that he was crawling all over the house, and wanting to walk with Mommy- it was great fun.

A little while later Thomas was hungry for some milk and every good racer knows that you have to refuel. After the milk and bottle Thomas had a little crash, and here are pictures from the crash.

Hope these photos put a smile on your face and we'll keep sharing all of our good times- as long as you keep reading and smiling!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Family Resemblance

About 3 or 4 weeks ago Gramma Katie was going through some old photos with Jenn, and it occurred to them that Thomas looks similar to his Grampa Thomas. Below is a picture of our Thomas (9 months) as well as two baby photos of Thomas' Grampa's.

This is a photo of Grampa Thomas Aguilar taken when he was 6 months old.

This photo is Grampa David when he was about 12 months old.

I will say that I see some resemblances between the 3 boys- mainly that they are all handsome and good look'n. Maybe next time I will post a photo of myself when I was Thomas' age... we shall see.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

This Halloween marked Thomas' first Halloween, which was exciting because Mommy and Daddy dressed up Thomas as a little monster. The not as exciting part is that Thomas had no idea what was happening- but I'm sure in another year or two he'll be piling up candy just like his Daddy did.

Here are all the pictures we took during Thomas' first Halloween.

Halloween 2009

We had a large group that we traveled with, and so if you know who everyone is- good, if not- no big deal. We had a really fun night and it was certainly perfect trick or treating weather which is always an important factor.