Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cars and Catch

A lot of you blog readers know that Thomas is all about his cars. When it's his birthday or Christmas or you really want to make his day, then a car will do the trick.

The other night, I was hanging out and it was almost bedtime, and thought I'd take this little video to show you how much he loves his cars.

Enjoy- Vroom, Vroom, Vroom!

Of course, when your the parent of a 2-year old you can never have the camera far away, and sure enough as I was preparing to only post the first video with the cars, Thomas starts entertaining.

Yes, Thomas still loves cars, but he's also demonstrating to us how athletic he is. Sometimes he and I will throw a ball back and forth and then other times he will become independent like what you can see in this video. I hope these videos make you smile and improve you day, because that's what they do for us!



  1. it's evident Thomas LOVES his collection of cars.... he's also a great ball thrower! Go Thomas. Facetime then the video.... life is grant!

  2. And Thomas is not camera shy! He's got the most beautiful camera smile...
