Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chocolate Mustache

This video was taken about 3 weeks ago, and at the time, I thought it was half funny and half offensive so I didn't post it. Now when I watched it, I thought, well there is kind of a bad joke there, but maybe people won't think it's too bad. Hopefully you will hear the laughing in the background and see that we are just being silly and not mean. Also maybe this interesting video will spur some blog readers to post comments and feedback?

Here is the video!

* Also if any blog readers or followers would like to subscribe to the YouTube Channel, that might help you be one of the first to see hilarious or cute videos.


  1. Don, this is a very cute video. Thomas is always ready for a picture, "CHEEEEEESE" even as he eats his cupcake. He's adorable and I can hardly wait to put my hands on him in less than 2 weeks.

  2. This is how propaganda starts...its all laughs and giggles until sweet little cupcakes get hurt.

  3. I was hoping to see the Sparky photos. Thinking about Thomas' reaction of being face to face with Sparky still makes me laugh.

  4. Teta Nona would also like to see Sparky Photos as well.... get after them Katie...:)
